• Custom Solutions

Custom Solutions

Use Case

What Is It?
  • From simple point systems and badges (simple games) to true games (video games, complex)
  • Can be board games, video games
  • Scavenger hunts – have to search for clues
  • Escape rooms – can’t move forward until clues are found or puzzles solved
  • Levels often involved – solve one level before moving to the next level
  • Leaderboards so learners know how they are doing compared to others
Why Use It?
  • Enables learners to play various roles – hero, villain, savior
  • Connects to the human desire to play
  • Connects to the drive to compete with others – dopamine
  • Brings concepts to life
  • Provides decision points that cause gain or lose
  • Fun – truly fun games matter
  • Can provide real scenarios beyond just words
  • Develop critical thinking skills and decision making
  • Rewards are deep motivators
When to Use It?
  • Gives learners an opportunity to demonstrate and apply what they’ve learned
  • Encourages learners to learn more or retry when they fail
  • Younger learners are very familiar with games
  • Social learning when on a team against other teams – collaboration

CASE STUDY: A Complex Challenge: Multinational Clinical Trials and Translation Barriers

In the intricate world of global clinical trials, a leading multinational Life Sciences corporation was grappling with a unique set of translation and localization challenges:
  • Rapid Translation Needs: Medical safety reports from adverse events needed to be translated swiftly for clinical safety coordinators.
  • Uneditable Reports: Reports were often uneditable, hindering translation technologies.
  • Variable Language Combinations: Languages were dependent on the location of adverse events.
  • Strict Data Security: Compliance with HIPAA and European Data Protection regulations was paramount.
To streamline the translation of medical safety reports while ensuring regulatory compliance, quality, and efficiency, the corporation turned to Ingenuiti.
  • 1 A Tailored Solution: Ingenuiti's Custom Online Clinical Portal
    Leveraging long-term partnerships within Life Sciences, Ingenuiti developed a free custom online clinical portal that standardized the management of safety report translations. Key features of the Clinical Portal included:

      Standardized Workflow: Including file naming, duplication confirmation, and redaction of confidential information.

      24/7 Global Project Submissions: Secure file transfer ensured privacy and control.

      Controlled Template: For consistency and cost-saving.

      Project Notes Log: For audit trails, reduced emails, and centralized communication.

      Integrated Financial Tools: Including quote approval, invoice view/download capabilities, and central financial record-keeping.

      Qualified Linguist Recruitment Checklist: To ensure subject matter expertise.

      Custom Training Program for Linguists: For high-quality translations within tight turnarounds.
  • 2 A Transformative Result: Compliance, Efficiency, and Quality in Clinical Trials
    The result was nothing short of transformative. Ingenuiti's Clinical Portal enabled the client to streamline long-term multi-site global processing for medical safety reports, yielding:

      Enhanced Compliance: Adherence to Good Clinical Practice, data security standards, and the client's Quality Management System.

      Improved Efficiency: Simplified clinical trial management and shortened turnaround times.

      Increased Quality: With pre-qualified linguists trained specifically for each study.

    Eight-year highlights of the project included:

      100% Safety Report Submission: All reports were submitted using the Clinical Portal tool.

      96% On-Time Delivery: With a turnaround time of just 3-5 days.

      31 Source Languages: Managed translations into English (US).

      100% Trained Linguists: Specifically tailored to the needs of each study.
  • 3 Conclusion: A Template for Global Clinical Trial Success
    Ingenuiti's custom Clinical Portal has proven to be a model of how technology and human expertise can come together to solve the multifaceted problems of global clinical trials. By understanding the unique challenges faced by their client, Ingenuiti was able to craft a solution that transcended barriers, bringing efficiency, quality, and regulatory compliance to a complex process.

    In an industry where precision and timeliness are vital, Ingenuiti's innovation serves as a testament to the power of customized solutions. The Clinical Portal's success over an eight-year span highlights the lasting impact that such tailored approaches can have, setting new benchmarks for translating and localizing within the Life Sciences sector.

Why Choose Us?

Learning and Development Expertise

Ingenuiti’s instructional designers are focused on meeting business objectives. Our creative team is global and highly skilled. Our project managers have decades of experience. We have created thousands of learning experiences for some of the largest companies in the world.

Translation and Localization Expertise

Ingenuiti has a 40-year track record translating and localizing a wide range of material for international audiences. We have 3,000+ linguists and can translate into 120+ languages.

Staff Augmentation Expertise

Ingenuiti has a pool of experts in learning, technology, graphic design and project management. We created this space for learning development 30 years ago and work with some of the most complex companies in the world.

Quality Assurance and ISO-Certification

Ingenuiti maintains ISO certification in three areas providing peace of mind that your learning project will be delivered on-time, on-quality, and on-budget.

Client Testimonials

We are passionate about supporting companies in their training and global communication efforts. Reach out today for a free consultation and we can determine if we are a good fit for your next project!