• elearning

Engage, Educate, Excel: Unlock the Potential of Your Workforce with Ingenuiti's eLearning Solutions

Use Case

What Is It?
  • Delivery of learning and training through digital resources
  • Asynchronous learning available where and when the learner needs it
Why Use It?
  • Up to 4x faster than Instructor Led Trainings (ILT)
  • Learn-as-needed timeline
  • Engaging โ€“ video, animation, stories, games, augmented and virtual reality
  • Can be delivered without taking someone off site reducing travel and time expenses
  • Can return to what was not fully understood and review
When to Use It?
  • Large workforce – scalable
  • Geographically diverse, multilingual, multicultural workforce
  • When consistency matters โ€“ ILT can vary by person doing the training
  • Can be blended with in seat ILT

CASE STUDY: Scenario-Based Compliance; A Revolution in Global Financial Training in Sixteen Languages.

In the world of financial services, where every decision is scrutinized and the stakes are high, a Top 10 diversified financials company stood at a crucial juncture. Committed to ensuring its operations were legal, ethical, and secure, the company wanted to redefine compliance training. They were determined not to settle for the typical โ€œcheck the boxโ€ approach. The challenge was daunting:

  • Deployment to nearly 50,000 employees across 16 languages
  • Aggressive and non-negotiable deadlines
  • Complex technical demands
  • A requirement for a statistically valid and reliable test option
  • 1 A Global Challenge Unveiled
    Compliance training is essential but often suffers from a lack of engagement and real-world application. The financial company sought to change this. They needed a solution that would be as engaging as it was rigorous, aligning with real-world scenarios and dense subject matter. A one-size-fits-all approach would not suffice. This was a global mission, requiring cultural sensitivity and technological agility.
  • 2 Ingenuitiโ€™s Creative Solution
    Ingenuiti, a firm known for innovation, was brought in to craft a tailored solution. Their team worked closely with the financial company to:

    • Develop a valid and reliable testing option, with the aid of an organizational psychologist
    • Design engaging, scenario-based content, translated seamlessly into 16 languages
    • Troubleshoot complex technical issues, optimizing scoring and reporting for a vast employee base
    Every step was carefully considered, ensuring that the content was not only informative but engaging and applicable to the real-world challenges faced by employees across the globe.
  • 3 Transformative Results and Lasting Impact
    The impact of Ingenuiti's approach was transformative. The new training program:

    • Boosted productivity by saving significant seat-time through the test-out option
    • Solved complex technical challenges, ensuring smooth integration with existing systems
    • Enabled responsive delivery across various devices, ensuring that training reached its target audience
    • Optimized learning for key areas such as Information Privacy, Anti-Corruption, Economic Sanctions, New Hire Compliance, and Anti-Money Laundering
    Ingenuiti's solution went beyond traditional compliance training. It created a robust, engaging, and culturally aware educational experience, tailored to the unique needs of a multinational workforce. By focusing on real-world scenarios and providing targeted instruction where needed, the training became not just a requirement but a tool for empowerment and skill mastery.

    Ultimately, Ingenuiti's work with the financial company demonstrated how creative thinking, technological innovation, and a focus on real-world application can elevate compliance training from a check-the-box activity to a transformative learning experience. It became a model for how to deliver high-impact, globally relevant education in a complex and demanding industry.

CASE STUDY: Revolutionizing Certification; Re-engineering a State Agencyโ€™s Program for Construction Compliance

In a world where construction sites bustle with activity and the danger is always present, certification for responsible persons is not just a matter of legality but of life and death. One state regulatory agency had been conducting its โ€œResponsible Personโ€ certification program for construction sites in person, hosting full-day sessions across the state. Though well-intentioned, this framework posed severe challenges:

  • Limited training schedules leading to delays for businesses
  • Costly travel time and expenses
  • Inflexible learning, preventing participants from learning at their own pace
  • Lack of accessibility to vital content at the job site
A Crucial Challenge Unveiled The stakes were high, and the need for an effective, flexible, and timely solution was paramount. Businesses needed their staff to be trained and certified quickly, without the burdens of travel and rigid scheduling. The construction sites required certified professionals, and the existing system was falling short. Ingenuitiโ€™s Creative Solution Ingenuiti's team was tasked with reimagining the certification process. Collaborating with the clientโ€™s subject matter experts, they transformed the original 5-hour in-person course into nine engaging online modules, deliverable in less than 2 hours. The innovative solution:
  • Utilized scenario-based design to make content more relevant and engaging
  • Integrated various interactive activities to encourage practical application
  • Employed videos, photos, diagrams, and even aerial drone footage to bring the learning experience to life
Ingenuiti's approach was more than an update; it was a complete revolution in how certification was taught and delivered. Transformative Results and Lasting Impact The effects were immediate and profound:
  • Training time cut by an incredible 60%
  • Certification barriers demolished, offering same-day service
  • Thousands of dollars saved annually by eliminating in-person logistics
  • Enhanced compliance ensured, allowing contractors and employees to act swiftly
  • A new benchmark set for compliance certification, serving as a model for future state programs
  • Learning engagement and comprehension elevated through immersive and interactive content
  • On-the-job performance support made easily accessible, providing instant reference when needed
Ingenuitiโ€™s revolutionary approach to the โ€œResponsible Personโ€ certification program transformed a cumbersome, time-consuming process into an efficient, engaging, and highly effective system. It's more than just an education; it's an assurance of safety, compliance, and professionalism. The new approach became a testament to how a creative and technology-driven solution could not only solve immediate problems but also set a new standard for the future. It became a beacon for others to follow, demonstrating that with the right tools, insights, and innovation, even the most traditional systems could be re-engineered to meet the needs of a modern, fast-paced world.

Why Choose Us?

Learning and Development Expertise

Ingenuitiโ€™s instructional designers are focused on meeting business objectives. Our creative team is global and highly skilled. Our project managers have decades of experience. We have created thousands of learning experiences for some of the largest companies in the world.

Translation and Localization Expertise

Ingenuiti has a 40-year track record translating and localizing a wide range of material for international audiences. We have 3,000+ linguists and can translate into 120+ languages.

Staff Augmentation Expertise

Ingenuiti has a pool of experts in learning, technology, graphic design and project management. We created this space for learning development 30 years ago and work with some of the most complex companies in the world.

Quality Assurance and ISO-Certification

Ingenuiti maintains ISO certification in three areas providing peace of mind that your learning project will be delivered on-time, on-quality, and on-budget.

Client Testimonials

We are passionate about supporting companies in their training and global communication efforts. Reach out today for a free consultation and we can determine if we are a good fit for your next project!