Measurably Betterยฎ
Learning Podcast

Empowering L&D professionals with insights that make learning measurably better. Weekly podcasts that transform training effectiveness. @MeasurablyBetterLearning

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An Ingenuitiยฎ Production

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What to expect:

Evolving Learning Strategies: The shift in learning and development towards predominantly online formats, how organizations are adapting their approaches to meet the increased demand for digital learning, and the implications of these changes. Demand for

Personalized Learning Experiences: The growing expectation for personalized learning paths that cater to individual learner needs. How learning management systems are mimicking consumer-oriented services like Amazon to provide customized learning experiences.

Integrating AI in Learning & Development: The role of AI in disrupting learning and development processes. From automating routine tasks to enhancing personalized learning tracks, AI’s integration is reshaping how L&D professionals design and deliver content.

The Future of L&D: The anticipated continued integration of advanced technologies in learning and development. This session will explore how L&D professionals can use these tools as extensions of their capabilities, enhancing both efficiency and effectiveness.

Future-Proofing L&D: Tailoring Education for a Digital World

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