Measurably Betterยฎ
Learning Podcast

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Featured Episode

An Ingenuitiยฎ Production

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What to expect:

Challenges in Global Learning: A discussion on the practical challenges of deploying learning globally, including translation, localization, and the need to cater to diverse educational backgrounds and cultural nuances.

Relationship Building and Stakeholder Engagement: Strategies for building and maintaining relationships with local stakeholders to enhance the effectiveness of global learning initiatives, supported by regular feedback and communication.

Instructional Design for Global Audiences: Key considerations for designing learning materials that respect and incorporate local languages, humor, signs, and visual preferences to enhance engagement and learning effectiveness.

Utilizing Local Contexts: The benefits of integrating local elements in training materials, such as real photos from workplaces or cultural settings, to make learning experiences more relatable and engaging for global teams.

The Art & Science of International Learning & Development

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Our experienced team is here to listen to your challenges, provide solutions to overcome your business obstacles, and help you achieve your goals.